My Birth Story is a wild ride!
So first of all I am SO happy! We are in love with our little Anastasia Violetta đź’–
But boy was it a wild ride to get her here...
Went to our hospital to start induction on Monday. Had blood drawn, questions answered, settled in our room. They were about to insert cervadil when they checked to see baby. Well... turns out my love bug had done a flip sometime after 41 weeks! She was breech. My heart sank. I was this close to just scheduling a csection, but my midwife heavily pushed me to try an ECV at a different hospital. She said the doctor there is a baby whisperer and does an amazing job. But here I am, knowing that ECV’s are rarely successful, and I’m over 41 weeks pregnant! But I really wanted to experience a vaginal birth, and it was my last shot. So we were sent home and I had to fast from food and water until the procedure the next afternoon.
Got to the other hospital (not the one I wanted to deliver at, but the one I ended up delivering at) and they were running behind I was supposed to have my ECV at 12, but was waiting until about 3:30. Doctor looked at baby, she was fully breech, one leg was sticking out, but I had a lot of amniotic fluid (which is probably how she flipped so late in the first place ). If the ECV failed, they would perform a csection on me right then and there. They gave me a spinal, and also inserted the epidural catheter since I said if it was successful I would induce right away. Everything was numb, Doctor came in, looked at baby on ultrasound one more time, flipped her in my stomach in 20 seconds! By himself! My husband and I were sooooo happy! After the procedure, the nurses told me that of all the ECV’s he’s done, she only ever seen one be unsuccessful. He really is a baby whisperer!
So, Tuesday night, we started induction. They inserted the cervadil and hooked me up to everything. Wednesday, I found out I didn’t dilate any more (still .5 cm) but my cervix got a lot thinner. Gave me an Oral dose of miso. Man the worst part of all of it was being hooked up for those monitors and barely being able to move freely around the room! That was probably my least fav part of labor. Another dose of miso and a balloon thing inserted into my cervix and I made it to 6cm by 1am on Thursday! (I also kept asking if it was a head they felt because I was so paranoid). Midwife said she wanted to break my waters and if I wanted an epidural I should probably get it soon after that. I was 7 cm when they broke it and contractions got more intense. I went ahead and asked for the epidural. I was able to sleep more which was so nice.
Woke up in a lot of pain and they checked and I was at 10 cm! But baby was sunny side up and midwife wanted to give her a couple hours to rotate using the peanut. Soon, my contractions got sooo bad, started having the shakes, and they said “okay push time!” So started pushing Thursday afternoon. Pushed for 1 hour and 20 minutes and she was born!
She was 9 lbs 12 oz and 22 inches long! She feeds like a champ and we were able to be discharged after 24 hours.
Gave me a teeny tiny tear on the way out, otherwise I feel great! Bleeding is super light now and my soreness is almost gone. My hips were made for an almost 10 lb baby I guess!
Stassi feeds like a champ, sleeps really well, and loves cuddles. She’s the most perfect and happy girl and we are so in love!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.