My baby is coming!

Veronica • Girl Momma x2 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧❤️

I started to have Braxton Hicks on the 27th but nothing consistent but today the 29th is my due date and omg did my contractions come in really strong!! I was contracting like crazy!! Back to back with absolutely no breaks in between. I came into the hospital at 5am but was only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced they gave me the option to go home and labor at home or stay and be admitted because I was having slightly high blood pressure. I chose to go home because me and my boyfriends sleep schedules are so messed up due to having nothing to do at home we had stayed up all night and we were exhausted and decided to get some rest at home. By 2pm I felt like I was dying and could no longer stand my contractions so we came right away. I was upset because I thought my due date was gonna come and go and I still wouldn’t have my baby since I had no signs of labor prior to today but I was wrong and my baby is ready! I am now 3cm dilated and 100% effaced just waiting on her :) I’m so excited and omg I feel AMAZING after the epidural!! Thank God for that epidural because my contractions were so bad but I feel great now and I am patiently waiting on her arrival. I hope everyone in the same position as me has a safe and easy delivery and blessings to everyone else as well! Stay safe everyone 💗