What would you do?


I'm currently working from home during this pandemic. We've had our 9 month old home for the last week because my husband has been sick (pretty sure just a cold. We got a doctors note for him to be out of work until April 1st since they won't test here unless you're severely ill and we haven't left the house). Well my husband's boss is making him go back to work April 1st. If he doesnt, he won't have a job once this is all over with.

Hes a glazier for a glass company. I really don't want him to go back. I told him he can get unemployment. If he goes back, I have to send my son to daycare because my work will not allow me to have my son home while I'm working. We're required to get a full 9 hours of work in or we have to take PTO, and there's just no way I can work 9 hrs and entertain a 9 month old. I'm terrified of him getting covid-19 while at daycare or my husband bringing something home 😔

The other issue is that we are on my husbands insurance. Since he works for a union, it's based on hours worked...if he goes on unemployment and isn't working then we won't have health insurance either. I just dont know what to do. My husband keeps saying he has to go back to work and I'm a mess. We can't have him stay somewhere else because his Mom works on the frontlines and needs to quarantine by herself, and we really don't have anyone else he can stay with.

I just want my family safe 😭