My Birth Story - March 23rd


On Thursday March 19th I went in for my 39 wk appointment and walked out with an induction date of Monday March 23rd. I didn’t want to be induced but with this virus my doctor said let’s get him out and get you guys home before things get worse. We went in Monday at 6am, leaving our almost 3 year old daughter with my MIL, knowing we wouldn’t see her again until we had baby brother in our arms 😭😭😭 The nurse at intake happened to be my best friend’s cousin! We got hooked up to Pitocin and things slowly progressed from then until 2. Side note: With all the new visitor policies we had no visitors and my husband was not allowed to leave our room so the hospital provided him meal trays. At 2 I called for my epidural, had it by 245. At which point I was at 4cm. Then my nurse got the peanut ball (which if you don’t know about look it up! 😍) rolled me on one side and when she came back to check me I was at 8cm and my water broke on it’s own! She rolled me to the other side and my doctor came in to talk with us, she was really there to break my water but no need, so she left. Then ten minutes later, my nurse came in and asked about my pressure, I let her know I felt it in my butt almost like I had to poop. She said she could tell from the monitors that it was time, checked me and I was at 10 cm! (The peanut ball works wonders ladies) My doctor got called into an emergency C section so we borrowed a doctor from a different practice (which is apparently super uncommon because my nurses all talked about it for the rest of the hospital stay). We got things ready and I pushed through 3 contractions, got to watch him make his appearance, 1 small tear, and I had my baby boy in my arms. After an hour/hour and a half of skin to skin and nursing he got his weight and length checked. He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and was 21 inches long! We finally decided his name would be Henry Allen.

***mother and baby unit: my husband could still not leave the room, but we could get food delivered and nurses would run down to pick it up for us. The hospital still offered him a meal tray if he wanted it.

***Also my second nurse on mother and baby was a childhood friend I grew up with!

***no visitors allowed so my daughter did not meet her brother until we came home, but it was peaceful to just spend some time just the three of us.

***we are staying home other than the dr and only family and friends have met Henry through FaceTime. Thank God for technology!

If you are a first time mom or a veteran mom about to go to the hospital, I know it is scary and I am keeping all moms and babies in my prayers because it is a scary time to be so vulnerable in the worst place to probably be in during the virus. Stay safe ya’ll!