Baby STILL not napping in cot..HELP!


So my husband successfully sleep trained my daughter when she was 7 months. We used the ferber method checking in at 6 9 and 12 mins. The longest she cried was for 1 hr 15 mins. It was awful. But she was waking up every 30 mins from 12am and this was making her cranky in the day.

So i tried doing gentle sleep training methods (as ferber was too much for me) during the day and it didnt work. She would wake up as soon as i put her down. I used apps to track her sleep window, white noise, dummy etc. Nothing worked. She never naps longer than 1 hour 20 mins so i decided that i would just hold her for all her naps. Which is what ive been doing up til now. Shes almost 11 months.

Due to social distancing my husbands been at home for a week. We arent going anywhere so we thought we would take this opportunity to nap train again.

He has been trying all week using ferber method and she has missed all of her daytime naps (usually she would have 3). So he puts her down and gives her an hour to fall asleep, doing the checks at the set intervals. After 1 hour is up, she hasnt fallen asleep and so he tries again in 1.5 hrs or so. It fails again and she is hysterically crying and sitting up. Even when he starts doing her mini nap routine she starts screaming because she knows whats happening.. Tbh she never played in her cot and if i left her in it for a quick toilet visit then she would be crying as soon as i left her and this was before the nap training.

He also tried just sitting in the room with her until she calmed down but she wouldnt.

She even threw up yday really badly prob from all the crying. it was horrible.

So currently after a week of unsuccessful attempts i am holding her for her first nap as she was so tired this morning and I felt she needed rest.

We are at a loss. Anyone else experience a baby screaming at being in their cot in the day but are fine to sleep in it at night?