How many hours a week does your partner work?

💖👑 lilbrownbunny 👑💖 • Mom. Fiancée. Student. Hot. 😋💖 IG: @lilbrownbunny

We’re looking at buying a house and if he goes back to working 65 hours a week, our budget jumps nearly $15,000. I like the idea of being more comfortable but I’m pregnant with our second and we have a 2 year old that I need help with occasionally. I also don’t want our kids to grow up not knowing their dad and I don’t want him to be burnt out before 30. I’m a full time student about to enter my nursing program so our position will be a bit different in like 2.5 years but still 😣 I feel bad about him having to work so much but if I worked I’d only be paying for daycare which makes no sense.