My body isn’t the same, and I don’t just mean in terms of how I look


Honestly, I don’t really care that I don’t look the same as before. Maybe I’m too tired to care. Maybe it’s just time for mom bod. But what’s killing my soul is that I can’t move like before. I would give anything to be able to work out, but I physically can’t. And it makes me feel so alone. This was my second pregnancy. Something happened, I couldn’t walk or move the last two months of the pregnancy, and now eight months after the birth, I have a labral tear in my hip, snapping hip syndrome, torn adductors, torn psoases, a snapping IT band, and edema/pain in my pelvic bone. I’m a broken woman. I’ve seen two surgeons, physical therapists, osteopaths, acupuncturists, massage therapists, you name it. My heart is broken because I can’t run with my kids, getting up from the ground is brutal... I’m just a shell of a woman. Before pregnancy I was a yogi. Now I’m nothing. I know this sounds too emotional, but I feel like I went from age 37 to 80 because of this pregnancy. And the extra 25 pounds I need to lose isn’t helping. Anyone else out there suffer from pregnancy injury and just losing their mind to feel better???? This gives a whole new meaning to “getting your body back.” I would give anything to have my mobility back.