2 yr old bit me and I had a breakdown 😞

Earlier my son came up behind me and bit me really hard on my back. He didn’t do it to be mean, he just gets super excited and does this sometimes. I’ve been working on correcting the behavior and he’s actually pretty good these days. But this bite was really bad. He actually drew a little blood and it’s still throbbing an hour later. Anyway one of the things you’re supposed to do is let them see that it hurt you. Since I both literally and figuratively didn’t see this bite coming I let out a yell and tears sprang to my eyes. When he saw me crying he started crying too and hugged me and said sorry.

That’s when I lost it. Just started sobbing with tears streaming down my face. I know this was really about all the stress of the covid situation. We’ve been in quarantine for 3 weeks, me working from home and taking care of him. I’m a single mom so it’s just the 2 of us. I know we’re lucky to be safe and healthy. I’m still employed but my employer has said there may be layoffs starting next month. And even though I don’t think I’d be laid off it’s still a possibility and makes me more concerned about being productive with work which is really hard with an active toddler in the house.

And I feel like every time I try to express how I feel to friends/family/coworkers I get the response of “everyone’s going through stuff, and you’re better off than a lot people.” Which I KNOW is true, but still.

Anyway. I just needed to vent. Thanks for reading. ❤️