Reestablishing milk supply

Hey ladies! Have any of you ever quit breastfeeding or exclusively pumping for a few months then went back to it? If so, how did it work out? I stopped exclusively pumping and occasionally breast feeding a couple months ago because my supply was little to none (literally 5ml combined) and I’ve noticed that when I still squeeze my breast like I’m going to hand express, large drops of milk still are coming out. I would of thought for sure it would of been dried up by now since I wasn’t making anything.. if I started pumping again, do you think I could get my supply back up or even maybe a little better than it was before? I was going through a lot of stress around the time I stopped and figured my stress is what caused it to drop so quick. I wasn’t sure now that I’m feeling myself that maybe I could reestablish my supply? What’s your thoughts? 🤔