Guys I need some advice. My brother is soon 19 and he took a gap year for "finding what he wants to do". Instead of that the only thing he is doing is going out, drinking, smoking, doing drugs and playing video games. My parents are divorced and my mom have to raise him but she doesn't know what to do. She decided to stop giving him pocket money in hopes that he will start doing smth. My mom always supported him. She would pay for his education, hobbies (if he had any) and everything for his development. My brother and I were both raised by my grandma, however at this moment my mom does an amazing job and being the most supportive. Therefore ik it's not my mom's fault. He lies constantly and never holds his words. He denies any professional help and doesn't want to communicate at all. So please if any of you know what is the best solution I would be happy if you could give me some advice. We are low on money and my mom needs help (although she denies). I want to keep good relationships with him and the same time see him finally grow up and take responsibility. Thank you in advance and if you have any questions be free to ask. P. S. English is not my first language, therefore sorry if I made any mistakes in writing.