What is WRONG with my body


My body keeps giving me pregnancy signs like I’m nauseous I’m exhausted I’m angry and moody towards my husband 24/7 I’m being a serious bitch y’all I feel (very minimal) tightness In my stomach and I just have all the symptoms I can think of related to pregnancy. But I just stopped ovulating yesterday (according to this app and my cycle has been off a slight bit on this app since my miscarriage last October) but we’ve been having sex for the entire past week (all my peak and low/ medium days) and I just feel so weak and fatigued and hungry and like I’m gonna vomit I don’t know why but I wanna take a test because the sooner I know the better but I know if I take another test and it’s negative I’ll go crazy in this quarantine. Why does my body keep tricking me like this