Well, temporary gender disappointment is real!


11 weeks 6 days and every second of my pregnancy so far, until today, I swore this baby was a girl. A girl we'd been hoping and waiting for over the last 4 years. I was convinced and so excited to see the pink banner in my Sneak Peek email results.

Here's what I found out today.

At first, things didn't go well for me mentally. Disappointed, fooled by my own self, a little crushed. I even cried for a while. Its embarrassing to admit, I know. After talking out my feelings and a few hours to process, I feel better.

I did want to give my son a sister, but he's going to be just as happy to love a little brother. I knew my fiancé was hoping for a girl too, so I was nervous that he would also be disappointed. To my surprise, he's thrilled and hasn't stopped talking about how exciting it is.

I guess I am meant to be a boy mom for now. And I'm okay with it! I feel a connection starting to my baby, I feel like I love him already.

I should add that I know Sneak Peek can give false results. I am confident that my sample was not contaminated during the process. But we will have this confirmed next week with a genetic screening anyway.

Just wanted to vent. Thank you for listening❤️