How do you know everything is okay?

I hate the time in between ultrasounds!

I had my first one 2 weeks ago at 8 and a half weeks and baby was strong and looking good.

Now I’m 10 and a half weeks and don’t have another ultrasound until the end of the month.

How do I know everything is okay? Beside the obvious fact that I’m not bleeding.

But how do I know if baby is still growing?

When I first found out I was pregnant, my family doctor said I could come in every week and she would use the Doppler on me to ease my mind. But with the virus, my doctors office is limiting appointments to emergencies only and I’m no longer a priority.

My husbands against getting a home Doppler because I have anxiety and he thinks it will do more harm than good.

We were planning on announcing next week but I’m scared something could go wrong between now and my next ultrasound.