Chemical or what?


So I decided to test Friday 4/3 (3days before af) and it was positive! No squinter! I tested again the next night and the line was a little fainter than Friday night. So I thought I would test with fmu. I woke up at 3:30 Sunday morning having to pee and tested and there was a vvvfl. So I thought I was having a chemical. I went back to bed and woke back up at 8:30 and tested just to see and there was a line again. But ever since then that is what is happening. I go from having vvvvf where sometimes it’s hard to see to having a noticeable but faint line to back to a squinter. I’m 17dpo (I think) so you think the line would be dark by now. Af never showed up on Monday and now it’s Thursday and still no indication that this pregnancy will stay. With my 14 month old my lines got dark fast so I never worried. First picture is how my tests have been looking. Second picture is yesterday and third is today. I’m sure tomorrow will go back to looking like yesterday’s. Also my urine is always concentrated when I test.