Baby sleeping long stretches?

The last week my five week old has been sleping from 11pm to 7am 😳

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mine has done 6 hrs of a stretch . they say wake them but i say if their weight is fine its not a big deal. i still get up & pump on the middle of the night if she is sleeping hard.


Posted at
My boobs would explode. Though that sounds intriguing.


Posted at
Wow. How often do they eat?? My 3 weaker slept 3 hours this morning and I was just so happy! Haha.


SpicyMami • Apr 10, 2020
Ah ok. Yeah mine is hardly awake. Every baby is different. As long as hes not losing weight


mommy • Apr 10, 2020
Well usually he will eat 3-4oz every three hours at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, 10 then right before I go to bed at 11 I give him 2oz and he usually will sleep until 6-7 but my baby is awake long stretches sometimes he even fights naps during the day. I never seen such a young baby fight sleep