Inside of vagina 2 weeks after birth - please help!

***warning graphic picture***

I gave birth 2.5 weeks ago & I just now looked at my vagina. When I spread my lips apart and look inside to the opening, it looks like there are muscles protruding out of it. I can’t find anything online if this is normal? Nothing is hanging out, just when I open the lips and ‘down the tunnel’ it seems like my insides are coming out?!

I have had urethra pain, almost like I still have a catheter stuck inside me. It doesn’t burn when I pee, the actual pee hole itself feels bruised or almost like something is stuck inside of it. Also My uterus hemorrhaged during birth and I had to get a Bakri balloon to stop it.

My post partum checkup isn’t until next month, should I wait or schedule something now? Not sure if this is normal or not. Please help! 😢

*** I feel very weird posting this picture but I am really scared, like it’s prolapsing or something