Need advice


Hello laddies!

Three years ago I had my daughter. After deliver not all the placenta got out. I had huge blood clots and lost a gallon in a half extra blood not included in delivery blood.

I had an emergency DNC. I needed 2 liters of blood they gave me 1 liter. For six months I was so serve of anemia I was at 6. For the longest time I couldn't reach 12.

Afterwards, I have had severe ovarian cyst that come before period during periods and then after. The next month nothing and then the month afterwards cysts. I have POCS and hormonal imbalances and all the symptoms like hair, acne, tried, mad, sad, wight, pain during sex, dryness.

They gave me depo shot 2 months ago and I bleed for two weeks and I still have my cysts on both sides causing pain when walking.

Now from the bleeding from depo my iron is low i have headache and new symptoms like shortness of breath and week feet. Also still the symptoms from hormonal imbalance which feels worst from the depo. Such as: ache is worst then I have ever had, weight which has never been and issue until now, emotions and the list gos on.

Lastly, What would you do if now your iron is low have shortness of breath, horrible nausea, tiredness, week feet and Cyst still and weight worst and the worst ache like blackheads I never have had.