Due date would be today....😢



Our #1 should have been arriving today-but that wasn’t to be. And we should also have been 10 wks today with our rainbow, but that didn’t work out either. Just feeling a bit unsettled and fragile today, and when I do, writing helps. Maybe this will help someone else who’s in the same boat as me. 💔👼🏻

Due date

So today is the day -

Your due date is here!

But there’s no little person

To hug and to cheer.

We didn’t have long

To dream of life as three,

Before all of that promise

Just ceased to be.

From the minute we saw

That precious blue line,

Please know you were loved

By your daddy and I.

You were all that we wanted-

We’d tried for so long;

And our hearts broke when, later,

We knew that you’d gone...

So, to our angel baby,

Too special for earth-

We love you in heaven

As we would have from birth. xx

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Posted at
This is beautiful! I am so sorry for your losses. My due date was in January so I know how you feel. 💙


Racheal • Apr 15, 2020
Thank you!


J • Apr 15, 2020
Sorry for your loss too-they never tell you about this side of trying to have a family.x


Posted at
Much love to you at these difficult times ❤️


J • Apr 15, 2020
Thank you.x


Posted at
I’m in the same boat as you. Except I have one son already. I had a miscarriage in August and now In February. It’s so hard. And I found the due date and the week or two before and after it realllly hard. It’s a sad time. Grieve when your sad and when you have moments you feel okay or happy enjoy them. It’s a process. I just cried again tonight about my angel babies. I said a prayer for you!!


J • Apr 15, 2020
Thank you! So sorry you’re going through the same. I just never expected trying for a family to be so hard!xx