Which gender gave you more pregnancy symptoms?

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So I'm about 5 weeks pregnant and I barely have any pregnancy symptoms..no morning sickness, no headaches, barely any back pain, barely any boob pain, no loss of appetite or wanting to eat more, no constipation, no frequent peeing,etc. I know its early but I always hear how a baby boy will give you no pregnancy symptoms or have late pregnancy symptoms and having a girl the symptoms start right away.

IM NOT SAYING ITS A FOR SURE THING IM HAVING A BOY!!!!! Or maybe it is too early to get symptoms

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Posted at
mine were opposite, this has no logic to it and is an old wives tale honestly you just have to wait and see


Posted at
I’m having a girl and I didn’t have any symptoms and I’m currently 29 weeks with no symptoms


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I didn’t start getting symptoms till 7 ish weeks but everyone’s different 🤷🏽‍♀️


Savana-lee • Apr 16, 2020
Same! But I’m having a son! 🥰


Nupur • Apr 16, 2020
Same here. Morning sickness started at 7 weeks and stayed till 14 weeks.. Had a daughter..


Posted at
I’m on my second boy, this one barely had any sickness. My first I was severely sick the entire time & had to be medicated. Unfortunately it’s not the best indicator for sex of the baby


Posted at
I’m having a boy and I have/had extreme morning sickness 😭 and I’m 23 weeks