Due date change

Hi - so hubby and I had sex on 3/13 and on 3/17. He pulled out (but not well) on 3/13 and on 3/17 we started having sex but he didn’t trust himself so out on a condom. Based on my CM I think I ovulated 3/13 or 3/14.

I had a faint positive HPT on 3/26 (was negative on 3/25), and got darker from there.

No spotting or cramping. Just a bit tired and sore boobs.

I figured I was probably due 12/4

I went for a dating ultrasound on Monday (4/13) thinking I was probably 6wks 3d. They measured me at 5wks 5d (so 5 days behind what I thought, giving me a due date of 12/9) and saw a 5mm subchorionic hemorrhage. Baby had a HR of 118.

Doctor said everything was OK, and we would just keep an eye on the hemorrhage (not sure if by another US or by just waiting).

I’m having a hard time reassuring myself that I just must have ovulated later than I thought and that the hemorrhage and baby measuring behind are nothing to worry about. The heartbeat is a good sign, right?

Anyone with any experience like this (positive or negative) that can share?

Thanks so much!