Sneak peek at home gender test!!!! 🤗🤗🤗



I’m curious to see if anyone else has done this and what gender and if it was correct for you!!

We have two girls now and did the test very carefully at home no males around. And we got a boy result!!! Just cautious until ultra sound! 🤞🤗

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Posted at
I did baking soda test and it was right. I had a boyFizz=boyNo fizz=girl


Britnee • Apr 16, 2020
Baking soda in a cup and pee on it😂


Shelby • Apr 16, 2020
Ok cool how did you do that? I may try that!


Posted at
I know someone who did two by two different brands. Both came out boy but she had a girl


be • Apr 16, 2020
I also know someone who did that 8 week one where they send in the ultra sound to a company that does early gender because she wanted to know so bad if she was having a boy. The results came back that she was having a boy and sure enough that one was right (:


Shelby • Apr 16, 2020
Eeeek that’s my fear lol! My husband has 5 sisters and we have two girls so it seems so unreal lol


Posted at
I didn't but I have a friend whose sister did it and was correct.


Shelby • Apr 16, 2020
Awesome! What gender did she have?


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I did mine at 11 weeks and at our anatomy scan at 20 weeks she’s still a girl!


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I have 3 males at home, and was skeptical of my male results although I followed the directions to the T. It was correct and we will be welcoming baby boy #3.