He says kissing is gross

I've been with this guy for almost 6 months now and things have been pretty serious. Not too serious, no moving in or wedding plans or anything, but serious enough. After all this time kissing me and sleeping with me and all that he starts saying kissing is gross and unsanitary, but he still enjoys how he feels, he just doesnt understand why people kiss and why that's the universal sign of affection. Like, he doesnt empathize with kissing or why people do it. And he also says hes not super into having sex. Like he enjoys it, but he doesnt need it or he could go without it. How am I supposed to take that? What do I do with that? How do I even process that? Like, kissing to me is really important and it feels good and it is intimate and I I lose myself in him. And i thought that's what kissing was meant for. But now I'm finding out he doesnt feel the same way? For him is very mechanical. Trying to make sure hes doing it right and I guess not even feeling it like I do. Am I crazy or is this something that makes sense that this is hurting me and bothering me? Is this a red flag? What do you guys think about this and what would you do if your man said this to you