Very regular, and late...


I seperated from my ex about seven months ago, now.

We have a son and recently he has said that he does not want to be apart of our son's life because the burden of the child being a part of is too much for his mental capacity to handle, positively. He has suggested I make him feel like a crazed murderer....


I have been seeing this really great guy, and we hit it off great but now I'm almost a month late on my period, a single jobless mother.....

I'm scared honestly..

Wanted to go back to school.

I know my options, and have yet to talk to my man...


My fucking life.

The only reason I would consider not having an abortion:

I was raped (a long time ago now), and became pregnant.... Leading to an abortion...

It really messed me up mentally.

I didn't tell anyone and even went so far as to go into work three hours later.... A ducking mess I was.

Then when I had my son two years ago, with a partner whom at the time I was bestowed to marry, there was this HUGE gap.

It felt so wrong and I am still struggling with it. With all the things going on with his father I can't help but feeling this way..

Life is so hard.