Zoee Brielle has arrived


My May 1st baby is now an April 20th baby. I had been having contractions since Thursday night but I decided they were not strong enough for me to go to L&D. The contractions continued through the weekend. On Sunday night around 11:30pm I decided to it was time to go. We dropped our son off with the sitter and headed to the hospital around 1am 4/20/20. We were checked in, the nurse checked my cervix and I was dilated to a 4. She gave me some nausea medicine and some IV pain meds. She continued to check on me over the next few hours. When she cane back in around 5 am I told her I needed to use the restroom, when I got up to go my water broke. From that point on my contractions were so intense. I was dilated to a 10 by 7. At 7:46am I delivered my little girl with 2 pushes. I