Not at all what we expected...


2 weeks ago I had my baby girl 1 month early. I went to the hospital for lack of fetal movement, I figured I would get monitored for about an hour n get sent home (this has happened once before.) After about 3 hours of getting monitored the hospital admitted me due to over the 3 hours my bp kept getting higher and higher (pre-eclampsia). To make a long story short my plan of an all natural vaginal delivery was crushed and I had to have an emergency c-section that my husband couldn't attend (he was present just not allowed to attend). On top of all of this we got put in isolation because we were showing symptoms of Covid, our tests came back negative the day after she was born, my husband missed the birth of his daughter for nothing... I'll forever be grateful for the amazing staff at the hospital and the really amazing nurses we got the chance to meet but this was definitely not how I imagined the birth of my first child going...