How to get a fat lazy cat to lose weight?


So when we adopted my cat she was a little on the chunky side, but she just keeps getting fatter and fatter. She’s only 2 and a half years old. We feed her very healthy, and honestly she doesn’t even eat that much.

She really is just the laziest creature on earth. We have tried getting her to run around but as soon as the toy goes out of reach (like if she has to run for it) she just gives up and sits down. The only way we can get her to run is if we actually chase her, but then she always seems extremely anxious and stressed out if we chase her too much, which doesn’t seem good for her either.

I don’t think putting her on diet food would work, because like I said she doesn’t even eat very much. And also, we have another cat who is extremely high energy (he’s a very healthy weight too) and they always share food anyway. We can’t just feed them separately either, because she’s very persnickety and will only eat when she wants to, so if we put a bowl of food in front of her she often won’t eat it for a few hours, and we can’t just keep them separated all day. Plus, the other cat is extremely clingy of her, so if we separate them he starts howling, and then when he starts howling she gets stressed out and won’t eat until she’s reunited with him 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

Any tips? I’m at such a loss for what to do for her. She’s not dangerously fat or anything, but she’s definitely progressively gaining more weight and I don’t want it to get to the point of her being unhealthy!