My pandemic baby đź’•

Daesha • Mary`Jlice

So I was due for 04/30/20 and in my previous pregnancy I suffered from serve preeclampsia which sucked because I had to give birth to my daughter at 34+4 and she was a premature baby that had to be in nicu I didn’t enjoy having her in the room with me and it was just one of the worst experiences I had especially because my nurse didn’t wanna bring me down to see her. But for this pregnancy I was supposed to be induced for this week of 04/20/20-04/24/20 but my doctor had me go into labor and delivery for a blood pressure check 04/14/20 and unfortunately my protein in the urine had just hit the marker 0.3 they told me I had to be induced so 04/15/20 I had my little boy 1:26pm and a lot of people are probably afraid as I was to go into labor with the crisis going on and all but I felt comfortable all the midwifes in the room while I was pushing were so supportive I went natural which was the worst I yelled and cryed after I had him in my arms I apologized & they said no you did GREAT and I had my husband by my side with the crisis going on don’t be afraid because they are there for us 🙏 glad to have had this experience