Scariest Day of My Life


I went to the hospital April 18, 2020 with severe back pain I was admitted and after a few hours dilated to 3cm and was moved to labor and delivery as the day progressed I became more uncomfortable and was given an epidural at my request. This is when my labor turned into a nightmare.

I slowly stopped dilating and made no progress over hours but my chest started to feel funny and I would have random readings of 167 or higher then I would drop back down to 40. This continued for a while and eventually I learned my epidural machine was on 9 and they quickly cut it off. Things seemed to be moving normal after that just no dilation.

Soon after I was given meds to help with my delivery. I still didn’t dilate and soon my son went into distress. They even lost him on the monitor several times. They tried flipping me into different positions but nothing helped I even requested a peanut to try and help me. Soon I was being whisked away to have an emergency c section when he was born he was blue and I barely got a good look at him. I was just laying there arms spread out heart pumping and face numb I was crying because I didn’t think either one of us was gonna make it.

But by the grace of God we are both here and doing well and I’m happy to be taking him home today.