What should i pray??😿😿

I'm currently 16 and i moved on to highschool. So i moved on to the high school level in chuch. My highschool level pastor(lets just call him david) is quite funny and polite. He is married and is to have his second child any time now.

One day he asked me to have lunch with him(it is a normal thing). So we ate lunch and he said "lets go for a walk" so i did. But then... things just got weird. He touched my hand and face then he said he had never liked his pupil this way... so i thought 'thats strange..?' Then he kissed me and hugged me.

And mind you that was the first time we have ever talked more than 5 minutes...

And in my country we don't kiss in a day;; we kiss like in 3 months!!

Still i thought he was a good guy cause he became very emotional and that he had done wrong. So i just forgave him

About a week after that he asked if he could meet me. We were on good terms so i said ok. But that day he took me to a place(idk where) and fondled me and fingered me... i didnt feel that good.. (he was trying mind you) i told him we shouldnt do this and said stop but he didnt.. we didnt have actual sex but it felt bad enough.. :(

After that day he started to ignore me completely. He had always been the first to text me but he just shut me out;;

What should i do?

I know i was stupid for letting him in..

did i sin? What should i pray??