Confession this one is kind of psycho

Ive been with my boyfriend Steven for 3 years and it's been a really rough relationship. We have alot of issues relationship wise & 2 years before meeting Steven I dated a boy for almost a year until he moved away 12 plus hrs away. And this boy that moved away I'm just gonna call him Eric, so anyway I have not had any kind of contact with Eric for the whole 3 years me and Steven have been together because he doesn't have any social media accounts other than Snapchat but I do not have him as a friend because that would be disrespectful to Steven plus he wouldn't even allow us to be friends so there is no point. It broke my heart when he moved away honestly. I never really thought about it up until about 6 months ago when I heard through someone else that he had gotten in a bad motercycle accident . Now just recently I've been thinking about Eric alot and how it would of been if he never moved away and we had actually really gotten a chance to be together. All of the sudden I'll just start think about him at random points and it's not like I've even talked to him in over 3 years so he's probably not even the same person he was back then, however me and Steven are having relationship problems so I also believe that might be a trigger for this. I do love Steven and would never ever cheat, but we are having problems. But I really feel so guilty for even thinking about someone else. Do you guys think it would be really crazy if I contacted him through Snapchat and told him I've been thinking about him alot or should I just keep moving along and never admit that and work on my relationship with Steven? Well anyway that's my confession.