Ladies, I need help advocating for myself!


I got two positive pregnancy tests, the first was an internet cheapie this morning and the second was a digi after a 2.5 hr hold!

According to my last period I am 5w2d 😭

I miscarried in September at 11/12 weeks due to my little girl having a genetic defect.

I had one hell of a time with the OBGYN office I was at with my last pregnancy.....including things like possibly having a dirty speculum used on me, the ob telling me after mixing me up with 2 other patients multiple times on my first appointment with her that miscarriages happen all the time and there is nothing they can do if it was going to happen...after explaining my worry because I was told at 14 I’d never be able to conceive naturally if at all and would most likely not be able to carry to term😕 And they also pass you around the office to whatever doctor has an opening so you never really have the same doctor and don’t know who will deliver you.

I called today to make an appointment and they wouldn’t fit me in until the end of May when I should be 10+weeks even knowing my history, I even asked if I could just come in and have bloodwork to make sure everything is okay so far, I got a HARD no on that.

I live in a town where there are only TWO obgyn offices. I do not want to go back there for this pregnancy. I need a referral to go to the other due to my insurance. Last pregnancy my old pcp wouldn’t give me a referral, I have a new pcp now.

Considering the whole COVID thing.....How do I or should I make it clear to my new PCP that I need bloodwork done and that I need a referral to the other office?! Or do I just leave it and wait till the end of May and hope I don’t lose my mind with anxiety?!