Difficulty Calming Baby, Wife Has 0 Issues


Hey other Dad dudes. I find it difficult to soothe my daughter at times and I’m wondering if you guys have had a similar experience.

I’m usually able to swaddle my baby or sway her in a rocking chair and it will calm her down. However, once night rolls around it seems like nothing will calm her down. I’m shushing, swaying, swaddling, skin to skin, etc. but it goes nowhere. She stares at my face in horror like she doesn’t trust me. She might stop for a second, looking somewhat confused, but goes straight back to anger mode.

I thought maybe she was hangry. But this has been happening even after a good 20 minute feed. As soon as I hand her to my wife, she is calm instantly.

I’m not too worried, I’m sure it’s just a phase. Do any of you also have these helpless moments?