I’m so Jealous she’s having a baby 😭😭

Cheyenne • I an 27 and I have a 3 year old boy, 6 year old boy, a 7 year old little girl, and 16 month old little girl

Ugh the baby fever is real! I have 3 kiddos, the youngest turns one on the 28 of May. My cousin is having her baby tonight and I am so jealous. 😂 Even with the craziness of three kids I want # 4 so bad! I swore I wanted to wait till the baby was 3 and in preschool to have #4 but ugh it’s so hard. It doesn’t help that we only use condoms for birth control and it’s easy to just not lol. I keep trying to remind myself that nursing school and being pregnant won’t be fun but ugh it’s so hard. Anyone else’s hormones trying to sabotage them?