Getting scared

I’m 31 weeks yesterday and just starting to get more and more scared. My pelvic area has been hurting since week 20 and I was told it shouldn’t be starting that early but just get a belly band. Well that’s what I did but still at night when I’m sleeping, when I go to put clothes on, when I left my leg or legs up, when I sit to long or stand to long.. I’m just in pain all the time. I knew pregnancy was uncomfortable but this painful, I don’t see how people have more then one kid. Now I’m starting to get it stuck in my head that when I do go to deliver, with all this pain my pelvic bone will go too because of the pelvic pain or this will be permanent and I will be in this much pain for the rest of my life. I’ve been telling my doctors for months about the pain and how it’s only getting worse and they give me no clear reason as to why I’m in pain and don’t really seem to care much anyways. My question is do you lady’s I should express my concern about a natural birth with all this pain or should I just suck it up?

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