Might get to see him next week but I'm worried

My boyfriend lives roughly seven hours away from me and we've been dating for almost 8 months now. We met because we go to the same college and in 8 months he's made me happier than any of my relationships ever have🥰. He's scheduled to go up to the college next Friday to pick up his things and he says he wants me to go up with him so we can spend time together, I want him to meet my oldest brother as well, because that hasn't happened yet. The problem? He's black, and I'm white, and my family doesn't approve. My oldest brother just wants me to be happy and I love that. But my mom has made it obvious that she doesn't want me seeing him until fall semester, and she doesn't even want me being with him anymore. I live with my parents and I just don't know what to do, I wanna spend the day with him, I haven't seen him in so long and it's honestly really hard. But I don't know what I'll do if my mom and dad won't let me go, it's a sad but true fear I have. Any advice? (I also know I'm being a bit of a baby, but I've lived my whole life never speaking up for myself because I was never taught to...)