Shoulder dystocia

Zoe 🇬🇧

Wondering if anyone could share births of babies after having a previous shoulder dystocia. Did you end up having a c section or was you induced early?

My last baby had a bad shoulder dystocia, 5 minutes to free and wasn’t breathing when born. I’m 33+2 with baby 2 and I was all set on a natural delivery , but baby is measuring even bigger than last one, which makes the risk of a repeat even higher. Looking at around 10lb if left to go to 40w (last baby was 8lb1oz and born at 39+4). I’m now unsure if a c section would be safer, but I have a 1 year old at home and not sure if I could do the recovery with a 1 year old at home. My husband will only get 2 weeks off work and a c section is 6 weeks recovery.

My main concern is induction wouldn’t be until 39 weeks, or my due date, and due to covid, the uk isn’t allowing birth partners in to an induction. Only 1 person allowed in to the delivery suite with you once you’re 6cm. So if I don’t dilate enough and baby needs to come out, i’ll end up in theatre by myself. Whereas with a scheduled c section he can come in with me. I don’t see my consultant for another 3 weeks so I can’t discuss my possible change of mind until then, and he wasn’t very helpful last time in regards to explaining options.

Love to hear your stories, good or bad. Trust me, after how bad my last birth is and doing it so soon anyway, nothing can scare me now 😂