Induction on the 18th 😱

Jade • ✨✨✨✨fraternal Twins ❤️

Hey ladies so its official I’ll meet my twins at 37 weeks and 3 days buuuuuuut everyone thinks I’ll go into labor before my induction date On the 1st I was dilated to a 1 then the 8th I was still dilated to a 1 both babies are head down and causing ALLLOOOT of pain with every contraction I’m constantly having painful menstrual cramps that spread to my back the last 2 days last night my discharge has been pink yesterday I lost parts of my mucus plug with blood streaks in it today I lost a bigger piece with a blood streak in it I let the nurse at the hospital know while I was at my nst I had one good contraction towards the end and they still sent me home stating I was 36 and 4 and active but since I’m still not at a 3 (I’m guessing cause no one checked) I got sent home and told to make myself comfortable I’m hoping my girls come before my induction date I’ve been trying all the natural ways to induce labor but all it does is start the painful contractions that last 4 hours and then they stop so my body isn’t ready just yet😅 my body is already preparing it’s self for labor due to soft BM’s im trying to make myself as comfortable as possible but fuck these back pains and menstrual pains are the worst and I can only imagine what’s yet to come 😅 the first stage of labor really does take its time 😅🤦🏽‍♀️