God Is Good!

TayloredforMitch • 40ish TTC wife and mother of two...and one beautiful baby boy born asleep👼🏽 and 3 MMC.

I am so happy that the Lord has blessed me to see AF today. I will be 41 in October and DH turned 40 in March. We began TTC for our 🌈 baby last month. I recently stopped my BC pill after almost 8yrs on April 12 and saw that I ovulated on CD17. So this month AF DD changed and I began to worry that maybe she wouldn't come. I even spoke with DH because all the test I had taken prevoiusly were negative and I had no symptoms that she was appearing.

Today was her expected date and this morning as I woke to get ready for work still no sign. So I talked to God and told him that I need him to show me that my plumbing still works. So while I was working at my desk she began to appear. I have never been so happy to see AF. I give him all the thanks because everything is according to his will. This is my season and the promises that God has for me shall be fulfilled.

I pray for God to bless all of you in this season too.