Eleanor Theresa🎀💕🌸

Kelsey • Mommy of two boys and two girls 💕

Despite making the major mistake of having a massive bean burrito the night before my induction, I didn’t poop during delivery! 🤣 So last Thursday I went in to have a foley bulb placed and was left a giant dangling green dick hanging out of my vagina all day. I was super crappy and had on and off contractions, but it never popped out. I was disappointed because I was under the impression it would fall out when I was at 3cm, so when I showed up for my induction with still in I knew I had a long ways to go. Well turns out my OB filled it quite a bit and when he pulled it out Friday morning I was actually at 6cm! I was a tight 1cm when I was placed. I was so happy!

So pitocin was started at about 7:30am and I had consistent contractions, but very manageable. OB came back at around 10am and I was still at 6cm and baby girl was still high. I sat on the ball for about an hour the had my waters broken. I couldn’t believe how much fluid there was! This is my 3rd baby and 3rd induction and I don’t remember that much fluid with my other two! I ordered my epidural soon after my waters being broke. I didn’t handle the epidural well at all. My BP dropped to 64/48 at one point. I was given lots of meds both IV and IM to bring it back up. The epidural actually went too high and numbed parts of my chest and upper body. It was scary for a second there. It finally went to normal and when it did I was told I was already past 9cm and they got me ready to push.

I was in such a haze from the low BP episode I wasn’t really sure what was going on at the time. I was overly numb and didn’t know how I was going to push! Well apparently I did it right because I got her out after three contractions. No tearing!! I tore with my other two so I was super excited about that! After delivery I of course puked from all the meds and my wonderful husband took a picture of that, because men. That’s why.

Despite the BP event, this was by far my easiest labor and delivery! I had her at 1:23pm on May 8th at 39 weeks exactly. My little Eleanor Theresa weighed 8lbs 7.5 oz and was 21 inches long. I couldn’t be happier!