Venting possible trigger

My <a href="">ivf</a> clinic finally sent an email letting everyone know the time to re open is coming even tho they don’t have a set day they thing it will be in the next couple weeks. This made me start thinking or maybe even overthinking, at the beginning of Covid 19 I was so angry because everything got cancel one week before of me starting to steam, time Past and I made up my mind to maybe this not happening till august or even September and I started to enjoy life again, like all this time I have experienced infertility (3 years ) I suffered so much, crying every month, taking idk how many hormones and pills and patches and having a wrong diagnose that gave me PTSD i realized that I forgot what life mentally was before infertility, i forgot what was not to think about the end of the cycle, I had forgotten what it was to live a life without that worry that burns inside you and all the questions about when it will finally happen ??? I started to enjoy life again with me and my husband at home we work on our relationship and have an amazing time during this quarantine it was like we were dating again that I forgot about <a href="">ivf</a> till today !!!! Then talking to my husband I started to overthink with all the demand of people wanting to do their <a href="">ivf</a> cycles that got cancel I started to think doctors, nurses and staff most likely will get overworked and get tired and maybe not doing their jobs with as much passion or maybe they will just want to push trough all this to go back to a nice pace? I’m from a state that’s HIGH ON cases like maybe second place.

I’m high risk and then I started to think what about if one person that’s is asymptomatic goes at work and spreads ! ?? I’m sorry I’m venting here, I know all clínics are following protocol but it only takes one person to spread. I wanted to know what other women are doing are you waiting ??? Or you are ready to go ???

I think we will be waiting to October just to make sure not second wave is hitting our state ( also my <a href="">ivf</a> clinic is a huge hospital where all the Covid cases from my state were treat it ) since I’m high risk we are worry. since we thought the <a href="">ivf</a> wasn’t happening till September we went a head and book vacations for the Christmas week I’m praying God guides me to take the right decision