Heavy bleeding after faint positive pregnancy tests

So a couple of weeks ago I started getting faint positives on a pregnancy test I was 2weeks late for my period I spoke to my doctor who said I was pregnant. Well abljt 3days after I started bleeding really heavy no cramps or anything but it lasted for about 3 days and now I'm currently still spotting. The doctor at the time sent me to the hospital and I spoke with a gynocologist who took a test there and agreed that I was pregnant he told me it would be too early to scan at the minute and that I need to wait the bleed out and test again to check which is what I have done. The line is still faint its hard to get a good picture of it but the line is fully there and it has colour. I was just wondering if anyone has had a heavy bleed during pregnancy and ended up having a healthy baby?

I've had 3 miscarriages and this just feels different I don't know why😔