PPD/PPA and Bipolar.


So I'm new to this group so this might be long cause I'm going to give my back story.

Growing up a definitely had depression. I was never diagnosed because my parents didn't believe in mental health doctors. So I kinda just sucked it up. fast forward to 2018 it was the WORST year of my life. February 2018 I suffered a miscarriage with mine and my husband's first child that threw me into a crazy depression we had been trying for 2 years to get pregnant and I finally did and then lost the baby. In May 2018 I suffered a second miscarriage and made my depression even worse. June 2018 my best friend of 15 years died suddenly and I felt like my whole world was collapsing. July 2018 I found out I was pregnant again it was the hardest 9 months of my life. Constantly worrying about losing the baby and suffering from depression the whole time. March 2019 I had my beautiful baby girl she is the love of my life! I was so happy to have finally become a mom but shortly after having her my PPD/PPA kicked in badly. I was suffering everyday. I was angry all the time sad all the time. The smallest thing would make me flip out. It got so bad I thought about ending my life that's when I finally decided to seek help. I was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder. I've been on medication for a little over a month and I'm feel much better. Not completely fixed but I'm getting there. I am so glad I finally admitted something was wrong and got help. I didn't know I could feel anything other then the bad but I'm getting there. my husband tells me daily he sees a difference and it's amazing. it's a struggle every day but things can get better!