Brooklynn made her way at 9:25am

Brooklynn made her way at 9:25am. I started having contractions at 11pm last night. I took a bath and they got worse. I headed to the hospital when I got there I was still 3cm and 70%. Contractions was 2 to 4 mins apart. She checked me at 1:00 and I didn’t change. She said she would wait a hour and see if I changed. The contractions became so intense that I couldn’t take it. I felt a pop but i was so focused on the contractions i didn’t realize it was my water breaking at 1:56 she checked me and said my water had broken. They started a iv and moved me to the room I’ll be in. The contractions was coming to fast I couldn’t take it and asked for a epidural. At 3am I got the epidural. They checked me again and I was at a 6. At 9:00 I felt like I needed to push she checked me and I was 9 1/2 called my doc to come I pushed 3 time and Brooklynn was out weighing 8lbs 20inch.