Very hurt rant

This is a rant and it's kinda long. So if you don't want to read thats fine.

Idk what hurst the most the fact I have to prefice the fact I'm pregnant as good news or all I get is an "Oh, no, wow. Well take care of yourself." I dont have to best relationship with my family and only really talk to my grandmother who has been some what supportive of my marriage where as everyone else just down right hates it. (Resons changes and very drasticly examples include: he's white, he doesn't speak spanish, he has a wird speach thing, you're too young, you'll never be trully happy, you'll be in debt, you wont finish schooling, you dont have to marry if you pregnant, (I want and said as much multiple times), ECT.)

I just feel hurt. We have been together for almost 3 years married last February(I'm 21 has 23) None of my family showed up and I was hurt but still had a good time. The only debt we have is some student louns wich is only a little over 5,000 combined for the both of us. We each make over 1500 per month and have our own car thats paid off. We're both Christians and waited till we were married to sleep together. We're both happy that were having a baby.

Were looking in to getting our own apartment soon and we have lots of support from his family.

we live with his parents rn for emotional support for me as I have bad depretion and anxiety amd everything with my family is so screwy, its made things easier to handle. We still pay rent to them as a thank you for letting us stay.

And I only have 3 semesters left (one when the baby comes and it'll be online) so ill have my degree as planned. My husband has been supper supportive and has helped me through these hard time. It just really hurts that no one in my family can just be happy about my life. It's like I have to prove myself everytime I talk to my family.

Thank for reading I just needed to get it out.