Panic attacks

Bec • In love and trying to start our family🥰

So I suffer from depression and anxiety. I know what to do for both to keep myself safe. I know how to handle my panic attacks and everything else, but something new has been happening.

My last two panic attacks have happened while I’m and having a really good time, vs when I’m stressed and upset.

A few days ago I was at work, having a wonderful day with the kids and my co teacher, and I just had this unbearable tightness is my chest, like I do during an attack.

Then today, at my moms, throwing bean bags, playing cards, having drinks, happy as can be, and my heart starts racing and I get kinda shaky, but not enough for anyone to notice.

Why is this all of a sudden happening when I’m happy and having a good time? It’s bothering me. I’ve had this for years and years, and this is a new thing. It’s frustrating. Help.