Never thought I'd be here

Tani • Married💍High school sweethearts👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 2 fur babies🐶🐶 TTC baby #1👶🏼🤞🏻

Never thought I would make it to the 1 year mark of TTC, but here we are. I was always under the impression that I'd get pregnant if my husband looked at me a certain way. We were always so cautious with birth control, our entire relationship we were OVERLY cautious because we thought getting pregnant was THAT easy. But now that we WANT a baby... It feels like there is no end in sight.

AF reared her ugly head today, after a whole week of symptoms that felt different from my usual period-is-coming symptoms. I was feeling so hopeful and positive this last cycle and now I lay here broken. 😔

Ill pick myself back up tomorrow but not today.

PS. I know there's so many women who have been trying for much longer and idk how you do it. My heart is with everyone struggling to be mommas💔