Weighing my birthing options...

Michelle (mamabear)

Hey ladies! I’m mainly just looking for experiences/opinions here. I’m almost 32weeks with baby number four. My first delivery was induced vaginal-and my daughter had shoulder dystocia. She weighed a little over 8lbs. That was a super scary situation-nurses had to jump up on top of me and push her out. Thankfully that worked, and she had no injuries, though I realize it doesn’t always happen that way. My second delivery, my twins, were c section at 35 weeks. I had an infection in my placenta, and after trying to induce labor, and it just not happening, we went the surgery route. They were born at almost 7lbs a piece!! The baby I’m pregnant with now is measuring on the larger side, in the 67th percentile and is roughly 5lbs now. With this info, my doctor is a little more concerned with a possible repeat of shoulder dystocia and complications. C sections scare the daylights out of me-just the idea of being cut wide open, possible infections, blood clots, etc. BUT-the unknown of what would happen if baby got stuck again is scary too, and c section seems the safest route. However, COVID is upping my anxiety, too. Surgery means a longer stay in the hospital, and more exposure. I know it’s not July yet, and hopefully things will be better by then, but as far as we know, they could be worse. Do any of you mamas have any insight, or advice? ❤️❤️