I’m sorry it’s long but I need advice

Is anyone in the position where you’re starting to notice you and your SO’s relationship has died? Where he’s done you so wrong and continues to disrespect you and you’re like not in love anymore? I’m in that position. I feel like he’s done way too much stuff and there’s things he’s done that involves our son and I can’t love a man like that. I feel like he never enjoys being home with us, it’s something he has to do in his head. He’s never ever happy, such a negative mindset and person. He’s also very aggressive and sarcastic to the point he makes you feel so stupid when you ask a question or don’t understand something. (He got that from his mother Bc his mother does that exact same thing) I’m constantly insulted, put down, my son doesn’t get attention from him. I’m a stay at home mother so I do mostly everything myself. He’s dropped $1,000 on things in the past two months for himself. On his son? $60. And only Bc I told him he needs to help me buy him clothes for the summer. He knows how tight money is and he goes and buys a $500 thing he wanted. I honestly can say I fell out of love and that I don’t wanna live my life like this. Another thing is he’s going to be those types of fathers that will “play dad” when I leave saying he wants to see his son and that he’s gonna take me to court if I leave. When his son is here and he doesn’t pay attention to him. Like yesterday he came from working 8 hours not seeing his son to going straight to using his device he bought. I had to take our son out the room and tell him to say hi to his dad. It’s little things like that. Can I have some advice?