Brianica • Mama to my sweet little Armani💙 24 years young ❣️

I highly doubt anyone is going to read this long ass rollercoaster of a story but I just need to know how others would feel towards their father in law if he acted this way because sometimes I feel like I overreact and am just being a bitch but then other times I really feel he deserves the things that happen or how I feel towards him if that makes any sense? Lol

So when I first met him it was in 2017. I was was a waitress and his son was a cook at the restaurant we worked at

His mom and dad split when he was about 6 so he moved to Texas with his mom and his dad stayed here in Kansas. My now fiancé had only been back in Kansas for about 1-2 years at this time trying to form a relationship with this man.

He started coming in to get drinks and food since his son started working there, my fiancé and I weren’t dating or anything yet but that’s when I first met his dad and had no idea that was his dad. He didn’t talk to me but a lot of the people at the bar/restaurant knew him so I was just there watching as they all joked around which gave me an idea of what he was like. First thing I gathered, he was a huge perv. He was constantly commenting on women’s bodies and everyone just laughed like it’s nothing. Maybe it’s because I was 17 but I was alittle uncomfortable.

Fast forward to my fiancé and I starting to date. I suddenly realized this guy was his dad. He was In his 40s. He lived in a camper at the time with his 11 y/o daughter. Was drunk almost 24/7. Very irresponsible. Has to be a relative to Frank Gallagher.

He has never done or said anything to me personally to make me feel uncomfortable (except once he told my fiancé and I that he was thinking about skinny dipping in the hot tub and we could join then quickly said “KIDDING KIDDING”) but still to this day I can tell he sees women as sexual objects more than anything else. He’s constantly trying to show off in public to every female to get anyones number, he has had multiple girlfriends over these almost 3 years I’ve known him and the girls always end up leaving him and of course they are always the ones in the wrong when he’s explaining the situation to my fiancé. One of my friends recently brought up to me that he asked for her number one time and when she said she wasnt even 18 his reply was “well just let me have it for when you do turn 18”

So anyways you get it the guy can be weird when it comes to women which made me alittle uncomfortable but I grew up in a small redneck town where this is definitely any everyday thing unfortunately so i was kinda used to it, but I just never really associated with those types of people. Lol

About a year or two into my fiancé and I dating, his dad decided to start going to church. We though this was him really taking a step towards change. He finally got him and his daughter a house, he had stopped drinking, he was actually doing really great for once.

It lasted probably about a year. Then things took a turn.

His now 13 y/o daughter recently got taken away because she came home, saw a camera, and believed he was trying to film her so she called the cops.

Why she went straight to that instead of waiting til he was home and talked about it idk but I could kind of tell she was not happy there so I feel this situation says more about him than anything. He was also supposed to be going to court for trying to talk to one of his daughters friends because her parents pressed charges after she came to them with the messages he sent her. The court date keeps getting rescheduled so I don’t believe they’ve gone yet I’m not sure but here’s the best part of that, his daughters 13y/o friend happens to be my LITTLE COUSIN. He got fired from his job, lost his house, is now living rent free in his camper out on a friends (he met at church) farm, and drinking 24/7 again.

So I try to keep an open mindset like maybe it’s not what it seems? I know some guys just say stupid stuff but would never actually take any action? I don’t want to hate him as he’s my fiancé’s dad and he has done quite a few really good things for us or has helped us out with things when we needed it but unfortunately this has only been a handful of times and he’s done more bad than good during this time I’ve known him. my fiancé says if he is proven guilty for those things then he won’t talk to him ever again but until then there is no proof? In a way he’s right but at the same time with the way he already acts part of me believes he would definitely do these things and now I can’t stand being around him. He’s just always putting himself in horrible situations, blaming someone else, then getting out of it somehow?! Drives me insane. Personally I feel like he was a shitty person before this whole daughter and friend situation ever even happened, that just made him look even worse to me.