35 Weeks & IUGR Ultrasound

Shirley • Married 💍 Third Time Mom♥️ 1st Baby born 01-25-2018 👧🏻 2nd Baby born 06/24/2020; 3rd Baby - Miscarriage; 4th Baby - Medical Termination diagnosis of Turner’s Syndrome

I had my second IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) ultrasound today. The first was when I was exactly 32 weeks. He was weighing 4lbs & 4oz at 32 weeks & today at 35 weeks he was weighing 5lbs & 4oz.

I went from being in the 51st percentile down to the 37th percentile. The ultrasound tech stated he was measuring a week behind but it would be up to the doctor to decide if she wants to induce my labor at 37 weeks.

The reason I had my first IUGR ultrasound was because my belly was measuring 3 weeks behind. My last appointment was Friday & I was measuring 4 weeks behind.

The tech said the baby is not considered an IUGR Baby but the doctor might be a little concerned.

Here I am at exactly 35 weeks. Don’t mind the mess in the back lol I had just got out the shower.